viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

Uses of ICT on Language I

The Use of ICT on Language I

Teaching II
ICT has an increasing role to play. This because during 1995 to 2002 the US had an impressive overall growth…one third of this growth was attributable to ICT.

An estimated onethird of the world has never made a phone call and only one tenht have used the internet.
Access is a several bottleneck for increased ICT use. 
But we all know that telecommunication cost are the largest component.

Telecommunications equipment is designed to have “five 9s” of realiability, 99.999% uptimeor just 5 minutes of downtime per year.

Control of internet is everything.Internet Governance is closed linked to what we want the Internet to do.​
Some changes may be required to make it more inclusive, reliable, and responsive to users needs. We often use internet just as an w
orking saver and not as a tool.

Economic modelsmarkets and role of ICT
Market-driven models alone will not push ICT into developing regions.​ Leapfrogging into advanced technologies offers strong potential for cost-effective deployment.​ Developing regions area large but untapped market…but their needsare not neccesarily the same as in developed regions.

    Information and communication technologies can change, simulate, gather, transmit. ​

-Teacher: Should become effective agent to be able to make use of technology in the classroom. ​-Training program: Technology should be used as a tool to support the educational objectives.

Learning environments.

-Teaching as a objetc of study

-And as aspect of a discipline


-support  -subject of study  -create new curriculum
Available Support & Computer Attributes

Guskey: Summative evaluation: is conducted after the activity. Allows participants to judge the overall merit or worth of the activity and givrs decision makers the information they need to plan for the future.The formative evaluationis conducted during the professional development activity. Provides feedback and changes that can be made to make it more valuable to participating educators.​

  • Teachers did not want to use computers because they were not sure where to turn for help when something went wrong while using computers. Some of this teacher didn't have an computer education.
  • Computer acces has often been one of the most important obstacles to technology adoption and integration worldwide.​
  • Teachers who had computers were more likely to use them in instruction than teachers who did not; more than 50% of teachers who had computers used them for research and activities related to lesson preparation.
  • The lack of funds to obtain the necessary hardware and software is one of te reasons teachers do not use technology in their clases. 
  • Vigotsky: learn a language through social context.

Translation I

The demand for well prepared linguists is increasing in this globalized world.

Production and accessibility 

Many of the researchers and teachers exploring the model of situated learning have accepted that the computer can provide an alternative to real-life setting, and that such technology can be used without sacrificing the authentic context which is a critical element of the model.

 Professional skills

wiki-uses: Wikis facilitate targeted coaching and scaffolding. The exercises described are completed by feedback provided by the lecturer (using a different colour for annotations). Specific grammar or language issue can be corrected in detail.

Being a good translator requires a lot of skills and practices but technology is a very useful tool in translation.

Learning experience 

The reflexive and critical dimension, which will foster flexibility and an awareness of professional skills in expert linguists, can be further enhanced by ICT, in particular for interpreting. Access to professional booths is limited during the training and after, but graduates need to keep those skills up. 

The variety of pedagogical tools provided by these new technologies (ITC) facilitate the production of authentic materials, enabling a valuable situated learning approach.

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