viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

Services Blog

PR In Your Pajamas

This blog is greatly aimed at entrepreneurs and other individuals that want "D.I.Y" (do it yourself) PR. It is a sort of playbook that they can use without the necesity of having to hire an expensive firm; practical lessons needed in the business environment. 

Shift Communications
The shift blog is a blog where you can find information about social media as Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, etc. There are a lot of aticles about Public Relations and how you can applicated to your daily life. The images are colorful. It gives you advices about how to be a media expert, how to talk in public, etc.
PR Daily

This blog's aim is to inform you about the daily Public Relations news going on (especially in America). It has a wide variety of articles from a range of topics all relating to PR. It gives you the option to see: 
  • Social Media 
  • Media Relations
  • Crisis
  • Marketing
  • Writing and editing

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