viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

Uses of ICT of Language II


Business activity creates jobs, cultivates inter-firm linkages, enables technology transfer, etc.

Key strategies:
  1. Creating inclusive business models: involving the por as employes, entrepeneurs, suppliers, distributors, etc.
  2. Developing human capital: improving the health, education, experience and skills.
  3. Bulding institutional capacity: the industry associations, market intermediaries, governtments, etc.
  4. Helping to optimize the "Rules of the Game": shaping the regulatory and policy frameworks and business norms that help determine how well the economic opportunity system works and the extent to which it is explusive of the por.
 It must be divided into a gerarquicamente pyramid and so it can function properly.


A bridge between two worlds:
Emerging: emerging fintech technologies & inovations = disruptive.
Access: digital finance innovation = trust.
Legacy: estabilished institutions and markets = estabilished.

Emergining mobile transactions:

  • Smart
  • Globe
  • M-pesa

Smart communications Smart Money:
  • To differenciate itself in the market.
  • Reduce costumer churn.
  • SMART MONEY ACCOUNT = deposit and withdraw cash at a Smart store.
Globe telecomes G-CASH:
  • Enriche peoples lives through communications.
  • Provides financial services itself.
Vodafone and safaricoms M-PESA:
  • Focused on enabling microoan receipt and repeiment.
  • Deposit and withdrawals, money transfer and prepaid Artime purchase.
  • Govertments, universities, industry association.
  • Catalize the growth of local software economies.
  • Careers and business in Software industry.
Govertment = provide public services = technology
Critizens = recieve benefits = technology

  • Hadware
  • Software
  • Internet
  • Telephony
  • Application
  • Support service
Relevant content and applications are integral parts of the value proposition and the "network effect".


  • Information and communication technologies ICT have become commonplace entities in alla aspects of life.
ICT enchancing teaching and learning process
  • ICTs have the potential to accelerate, enrich and deepend skills, to motivate and engage students.
  • ICT can help revitalize teachers ans students.
  • This an help to improve and develop the quality of education.
How to achive this
Teachers need to be involved in collaborative projects and developtment of intervention change strategies.

How to introduce ICT in class

Conditions for teachers to introduce ICT into their classrooms:
  1. Teachers should belive in the effectiveness of technology.
  2. Teachers should belive that the use of technlogy will not cause any disturbances.
  3. Teachers should belive that they have control over technology.

Easy Access to learning:
  • Students can now browse through e-books.
  • Access to: resourse persons, mentors, experts, researches and professionals.

Use of ICT in education develops higer skills such as collaborating across time and place and solving complex real world problems.

ICT enchancing learning environment
  • ICT is a potentially powerful tool for offering educational opportunities.
  • ICT envirotment improves the experience of the students and teachers for better results.

Learning Motivation

ICT provides motivation learn.
  • Videos
  • Television
  • Multimedia computer software: combine text, sound and colorful moving images.
ICT plays an important task as mediator of cognitive developtment.

Scholastic performance
  • ICT helps students to their learning by improving the communication between them and the instructors.

Programme for international student assessment (PISA).



The new information and communication technologies (ICT) and translation competences.

Bilingual person: some that can communicate in two languages.

Translator person: transforms words and ideas to another contexts. knowledge communicate in a different language, to transfer ideas.
There are specifict abilities that a translator has to.

What is a competence?

Combination skills, aritudes and behaivour that leads individuals beings able to perform a certain task to give level.

Translation Competence Model

Knowledge about translation instruments; Translator:

  1. Textual and communicative competence.
  2. Cultural and intercultural competence.
  3. Competence about the knowledge of the theme of translation.
  4. Proffesional and instrumental.
  5. Interpersonal competence = (put yourself in the other person).
  6. Good composition and production of texts.

ICT tools helpful for translation

General tools:
  • The internet
  • The use of corpus linguistic
  • Monolingual
  • Bilingual
  • Software: Word and acrobat reader.
Specific for translation:
  • Machine translation
  • Computer assisted translation

Reception, Transfer and Formulation.

Reception: understand the context 100%
Transfer: transfer words into the target language.

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