viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

The History of ICT


Premechanical Age (3000 B.C - 1450 A.D)
Is a time which various systems were made that didn't need any mechanical effort, so it is called the pre mechanical age of computers.

  • Cuniforms: Sumerians in Mesopotamia, actually on southern Iraq.
  • Phoenicians symbols
  • Greek n' Romans named: Latin Alphabet

Input technologies

  • Papyrus - Egypt
  • Paper rags - China
  • Mesopotamian leaders kept the earliest "books"
  • The Egyptians - Scrolls
  • The Greeks - Papyrus sheets
  • Egypt numbers and Mayas invention of the 0.

The Mechanical Age
Can be defined as the time between 1450 and 1840
The inventors began to use techniques and tools (the treatment of metals, wheel, mechanical transmission power) to create machines to conduct certain tasks.

  • Printing, invented by Johann Gutenberg was one of the most outstanding, machines made accessible the information written to the general public and helped create new forms of Government with educated and cultured citizens.

  • Around 1642, the French mathematician Blaise Pascal at just 19 years built the first automatic calculator to help his father, a tax collector who worked hard in the calculation of large arithmetic operations, that was called "The Pascaline or Arithmetic Machine".

  • In England 150 years later Charles Babbage notice the struggle of mathematicians and started building the Calculation Engine, but Babbage wanted to create a more ambitious one "Analytical Engine" but didn't finish that, because he needed more tecnology to this great invention, tecnology he did not have at the moment.

Electromechanical Age (1840-1940)
The discovery of ways to harness electricity was the key advance made during this period.
Knowledge and information colud now be converted into electrical impulses. The beginnings of telecommunication.
  • Voltaic Battery

  • Telegraph

  • Telephone and Radio

Electromechanical Computing 
  • Tabulating Machine (1853)
  • Comptometer (1885)
  • Punched Cards (1896)

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